Theatre Arts Students of IMSU initiated in seemingly fetish event. See photos It was like scenes from an ancient traditional Igbo festival. Yesterday was a memorable day for the year one students (2015/16 intakes) of Imo State University Theatre Arts department who celebrated their induction and traditional initiation into the department. The initiation and induction ceremony is required for the students to become full performing members of the association. The day started with the inductees dressing up in white wrappers and decorated with chalks and mascara for the ladies. All the inductees were then taken to the makeshift shrine located at the front of the department for presentation before the gods by the chief priest (Ezemuo), the elders and the king (Igwe of ITASA). At the presentation to the gods, the men who wore white wrappers around the waist and were bare-chested, were slapped on the chest, had gin spa...